About Me

My name is Ayesha Potts, and I am a Filipino-American, born in Manila, Philippines. My family immigrated to the U.S. from Windsor, Canada in 2005, where I spent the majority of my upbringing. After I married my husband, we decided to move here to Troy, where I have lived for the past 19 years. I have come to love this city and the school district in particular.

My family and I moved to Troy specifically for the excellent school district. I am the mother of 5, with 4 living children. Two of my children successfully graduated from the Troy School District and are thriving at the University of Michigan and Wayne State University. I also have 2 children still enrolled in the district with a few more years ahead of them. 

As a professional, I am a Registered Nurse. I have been a PTO President and a community volunteer for the past 16 years. I am passionate about this community. I have invested many hours within our school district as a volunteer and I believe that we are on the right path to support every student in their educational career. 

As an immigrant, I bring a rich culture and a unique perspective. I understand that education is the number one priority in many households, as it is in mine. Although I was raised for the majority of my life in Canada, my parents were extremely proud of our Filipino heritage and instilled traditional Filipino values in me, which I have passed onto my children. This includes hard work, perseverance and fearlessness. 

I am passionate about making a difference in the school district by maintaining the strong academic excellence we all already hold dear. I support parental involvement, stand against book bans and believe that the district should challenge and support students at their individual levels. 

I support bringing honors classes back to Troy. I believe strongly that every student in the TSD should have the opportunity to challenge themselves and advanced/honors courses are an important part of that equation. Let’s listen to the expertise of our teachers. I am confident that we can come up with ways to help all students—including those who are struggling and those in the middle—without taking away opportunities for those who are ready to push themselves further.

I believe the education in Troy is already excellent but like any top tier district, we must also look to continually improve, so that each student is able to reach their full potential. This means supporting a rigorous curriculum, opportunities for advanced classes and supporting our teachers and education staff by giving them the right tools to educate our students. 

I hope that you will support me in my run for school board this November and I look forward to supporting our educational community in this new role!

Ayesha's extended family photo
Like many of you, we moved here for the excellent schools. Now, it’s up to us to make sure that excellence remains for generations to come.